Thursday, August 21, 2008

Downtown Coming Alive!

I don’t know if everyone drives through downtown Anderson as much as I do but I seem to find a way to go through downtown almost every time I leave the house. The reason behind this is the fact that I love my hometown of Anderson and I love the progress and revitalization projects that are going on in the downtown area. Downtown Anderson is becoming a more and more beautiful place every day. My wife and I talked about what downtown Anderson could become years ago when we first got together and many of our thoughts and ideas have come to pass. I hope that not only will the improvements continue but I hope we will begin to see even more diversity in the downtown area. We could add a one or two screen movie theater or a big name sit-down restaurant. We can even throw in a Subway (restaurant). I am excited to see what is next on the horizon and I am excited for Anderson in general. I see the Downtown Project being a perfect compliment of public and private working together for the common good and towards a common goal that will be a great investment in the future of our fine town.
I know it seems like if you drive down any Interstate long enough you see billboard after billboard boasting a historic downtown. I know that a lot of people don’t think our downtown or any traditional downtown is worth saving. However, I think differently. Anderson’s historic downtown is worth saving and if done right it will be something that generations to come will be thankful for.
If you haven’t seen it yet, then go see it. If you don’t like it, give it a chance to grow on you! Either way, I believe it will be a benefit to us all in some way.

Matthew Hilley

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