Thursday, August 16, 2007

Spreading the Warmth of Jesus

My Youth Group has come up with two different projects they intend to tackle over the next few months. First, they are committed to collecting $3000 to have a deep water well dug in Africa to provide clean disease free water to 750 people for the rest of their lives. You can go here to this website and click on Projects to read more about it.

Secondly, we will be collecting old and unwanted coats and blankets along with new packs of socks over the next couple of months. Once it begins to get cold weather we will be hitting the streets as a group and handing these out to the less fortunate people in the upstate area. The homeless will be our primary target but after we feel we have covered those in most need we will move on to those with homes but that are still in need of help.

These ideas were sparked in the minds of young people after being inspired by the motivational preaching and teaching they received at North American Youth Congress this past week in Charlotte NC. They have decided to be contributors to their communities and bring about positive change instead of calmly standing by and doing nothing.

I hope that each of you reading this will look into your closets and get out those coats and blankets that you never use and bring then in. Also, if you are feeling really generous you can buy a pack of thick socks from Wal-Mart for around $5. If you are interested in contributing to the Well fund you can make the check out to Living Water and write Well Fund in the memo section. You can call me at 864-617-5039 and I will come and pick up these items or you can mail them or drop them off at Living Water, 148 Carson Road, Seneca SC, 29678. I thank you for your time and please give what you can to help others!

Matthew Hilley


Anonymous said...

In the Bible the church impacted the world. In a day and time full of religion it is hard for one to choose which direction they ought to go especially when everyone says that they have absolute truth. However, when the church of Jesus Christ, His body on earth begins to show forth the Love of Christ then people will take notice. I believe in our doctrine but in this day in which we live we will win more people to the Lord through love rather than through doctrine. I am so excited about these projects that our youth group is taking on. I am thankful for Youth Leaders that have a passion for the young people in which they work with and lead. I am privileged to pastor a church that is missions minded both locally and abroad. Matthew and Tonya, keep up the good work!

Pastor Russell Drake
Living Water Church
Seneca, SC

Anonymous said...


I have three teenagers that would love to participate in this wonderful community service project. Are you allowing outsiders?

Amy Plummer