Friday, March 28, 2008

Knocking on Doors?

Recently at an Anderson County Republican Party meeting of which I am an officer, I was approached by someone and the allegation was made that I was going door to door with my former opponent in my bid for County Council Dist. 3, Mr. Larry Greer. I was told that two different people saw this. Of course before I had ever got to the meeting I was made aware that rumors were already starting to surface that I was working for Mr. Greer. Upon being questioned about this absurd and made up allegation I responded that I was tired of the lies and adolescent behavior coming from certain people in the county. I was informed that lying and making up rumors about another person and then spreading them intentionally was not acting like an adolescent. Of course I would and did disagree with that statement. The fact is that ever since I made my first run for office I have had to fight off a flood of false allegations from a small group of folks that once supported me and claimed friendship.

The amusing thing is that all the folks I spoke out against, ran against and disagreed with during my campaign are now the ones that seem to respect me the most. Go figure! I am a principled man and I stand behind my convictions and beliefs regardless of who tells me I should do it their way.

After I lost the election I was ask to support someone that I could not support for various reasons. I clearly stated I would be staying out of it and was attacked by some of the so called friends and supporters for not backing the next person on the list that they thought could take the place of someone they hate. The fact is these folks did not care about me as a person or a candidate they just wanted anyone to fight their fight for them. They would have supported anyone that was running against the current person. The mistake I made was thinking that people only support people they really believe in. Some people will support, give money to and claim allegiance with anyone that steps up to the plate.

I have always been 100% honest with everyone about my beliefs and reasons for running and my motives. However, a small faction of hateful, abusive know it alls seem to want to try and write me into a different light. Well that is ok. See often times when you are fighting the good fight against something wrong you realize that one of your team mates is really your enemy. When you discover this it stuns you for a moment and then you realize the truth. The truth is their will always be bad people pretending to be good. However, another truth is the do-gooders that pretend to be one thing and are really another always suffer a worse fate than the original intended enemy.

Now of course, I made friends and had supporters that were of the purest form during my campaign. For those folks who I am sure you know who you are I am so very grateful for your love, support and constant uplifting comments. I will continue to speak my mind, fight against wrong doing and be just a little different than the average citizen.

Now, to be very clear for those that have a hard time remembering key points of something they’ve read. I have not been knocking on doors with or for Mr. Greer. I am tired of answering the same questions over and over again. The people who tell others these lies are liars. If when you ask me a question and receive an answer but yet you decide to continue to perpetuate the lies then you are a liar and a gossip. I am sure this will make for an easy target for some but it is always interesting to see why someone or something is being attacked.

Matthew Hilley

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