Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Yeah I know it is a weird title, but hear me out before you dismiss it all together. I was a Fred-Head and still am to a certain extent. In today’s media led world of sound bites and catch phrases I thought I would try and be the first to throw out a positive catch phrase for someone who I think is a great woman and could be the first female Vice President of the United States. Right before McCain’s VP announcement I started studying up on Gov. Palin and I absolutely love everything I have found out about this woman. She is smart, a proven leader, a true reformer and all around great American. She is a great Conservative and she is energizing the Republican base! She was an awesome choice and I am very happy with her on the ticket! So, as we all await her ground breaking speech tonight lets see if we can get the word out about her awesome record and see how many Americans out there are ready to become Palin-Pals as well. Not to be confused with Pay-Pal which I use often.


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